This weekend was the the last with our two remaining pups, "Sam" und "George". 

They now belong to two wonderful families who share very much a story with us.

Hereto I close the "G-litter" Capital with a fervent heart.....for every family, who adopted a puppy from this litter, I want to let them know, that I have the most heart-felt trust in them.






I am soooo happy, because Sam is going to Christian and Bente with their little boy Jon in  Klintum, Schlesig Holstein!

(We`ve  known each other for years, beacuse Christian was already an owner of a dog from our C-litter,..  "Jack"  )

We know that Sam will have a wonderful life, with little Jon as a buddy at his side!

"Going for Gold"


"Gentle George"




Here, the pics of the week....

 Click Thumbnail....

 George will go to family which binds a certain fate with us... 

George will live with a family who has a Beardie since 14 years... Jessye's brother!!!(Here is a photo from Max.) Max is- like Jessye- 14 years old, and is totally fit. He makes the impression that he is 8 or 9 years old. Fantastic!

I am sooo happy that the  Stricker's, who have adopted little George, have found!!. I believe, that George has found the perfect partner to help him through all of life's toils...